Content Delivery Network - Pimhoster - Best Premium Web Hosting in Thailand Content Delivery Network - Pimhoster - Best Premium Web Hosting in Thailand
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CDN - Web hosting in Thailand

Content Delivery Network

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system of the network that deliver pages and other Web content to a user, based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the webpage and the content delivery server.
In other words, CDN is generally used to take in web content from others webpage based on the geographic locations of that user to the origin user webpage.

This service holds good in delivering the online content of the website with high traffic and global accessing. The delivery speeds depending upon the geographic area of the destination web content to the origin of the webpage. CDN also performs the protection of large surges in traffic.

How CDN works? - The content delivery networks copies the pages of a website and when the user request a webpage that is part of content delivery network, the CDN will redirect the request from the origin site to the destination site.
The procedures of Content Delivery Network is almost transparent to the orgin user as well as the destination user, the user will get to know the process only when the delivered URL is unmatched with the requested URL.

Many businesses are using CDNs because of delivery of large scale website to the global audience, CDN reduces latency, accelerating site load times and reduce the bandwitdh consumption and also the security from the spammers attack on your site.

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